7 things to consider before buying tamper proof courier bag

What is the worst nightmare of a person who is running a business? Maybe running out of sales? And the scariest part about this is this is not a far fetched concept. If we look at statistics, according to BLC, every year approximately 5 million businesses start and by the end of two years 20% businesses fail, not just that in the next five years 45% business close, and ultimately only 25% business stand through the course of 15 years or more.
There could be many reasons to go out of business. One of the reasons for this to happen is poor sales. There are a lot of reasons involved for this to happen. It could range from bad marketing to poor quality of products. One of the reasons that might not be too big to notice but it will eat away your profits is customer feedback. It might not sound too serious but this reason alone could act as a catalyst.
The positive feedback will be a good indicator of a flourishing business. In the same way, negative feedback could be indicators of areas of improvement. If a business ignores these factors and complains then it will be a matter of time when the business that you started with your blood and sweat will crumble into pieces.
Customer satisfaction is the key to keep your business going and successful. Especially when we talk about products based services. One of the complaints that customers have is with deliveries that get tampered mid way and reach them. In this age where we get everything at the comfort of our home, we can not express in words how important it is for a product based company to deliver the products that the customer gets satisfied with the products as well as the services.
What is a courier packing bag?
There is no definition for a courier packing bag. But we can understand it as a bag which is made of polythene and they are used by packaging industries. For easy understanding, we will take a real life example, when you order any clothes from any ecommerce website then you get your clothes delivered in some kind of plastic packing bags that usually have a self adhesive flap. That is a courier packaging bag.
In simpler words we can say that courier packing bags are the type of plastic bag in which you receive goods from the E-commerce website. They are very popular in the packaging industries as these have many benefits for both brand and customers. As we get to know about courier bags, you will realise that there are many varieties of courier poly bags like courier bags with self adhesive flap, the courier bags are found in different thickness as well like in 55 micron or 51 micron bags. They are also found in different prints like plain courier bags, amazon courier bags, courier bag with POD etc
What are the benefits of a self adhesive courier bag?
Now, we know about the courier bags. We will talk about the need for a self adhesive courier bag for your business. If you have a product based business then it is a must for you to have a self adhesive courier. There are many benefits that you should consider that makes a self adhesive courier bag best for your business.
There are many reasons for which the courier poly bags are popular. Here; we have a list of benefits of a self adhesive courier bag is written down below which will help you to consider it as a good packaging option :
- Water proof - The courier bags are made from a material called polyethylene. We know that anything that is made of polyethylene becomes water proof. The waterproof nature of these bags protects the product from water, humidity and moisture which has the potential of damaging the products.
- Security - When it comes to delivering goods the thing that all the business owners worry about is tampering of goods. To prevent that from happening a self adhesive courier bag is used. In a bag which has a flap of strong adhesive adheres to the bag and the best part about this is that you can not open the flap without tearing the bag open.
- High tensile strength - The tensile strength refers to the force applied to tear something. When you have important items inside a courier bag it is a must that the bag must protect the items inside of it, when a bag has good tensile strength then the chances of product being safe are high.
- Takes less space - when we compare the courier bags with boxes, the bags take less space. When the bags take less space and have lower dimensions than a corrugated box, then the charges for the courier services will be lower than that of boxes.
- Easy to use - when we use a courier bag to pack things. We will understand that it is very easy to use and does not require any other device for packing products in it.
- Customisable - One of the best features of courier bags is that you can customise it with prints. The surface of the plastic courier bag is printable.
Some of The Features And Qualities You Should Check before Buying A Courier bag.
In this section, we will talk about the 7 things that you should consider before buying a tamper proof courier bag for your business.
1. What is the size of a courier bag in cm?
This is an important question to ask when we are looking for the right size for your bag. You should always look for dimensions of the courier bag. The courier bag must not be bought just on the basis of size like small, large, medium etc.
2. What is the thickness of a courier bag?
The thickness is an important factor that must be considered before buying any kind of courier bag, because the thickness will be the deciding factor of the density of a courier bag. Thicker the layer of polythene, harder it would be to tamper it.
3. Is the courier bag self adhesive ?
As we have said in the above paragraphs, there are a lot of different types of courier bags. We will suggest that you choose a courier bag with a self adhesive flap. The flap of these bogs have a high quality adhesive that is so strong that once you seal the bag with it, it can not be pulled open without tearing the whole bag apart. This factor will make sure that your products are safe for delivery.
4. What is its tensile strength?
We have talked about tensile strength, it is the force required to tear something apart. The tensile strength is an important factor as it acts as an additional layer of protection for our products.
5. Can we order in bulk?
This is the question that you should ask to your supplier of courier bags. Every business has different needs when it comes to the number of orders. If you are a company that has many orders then you should ask if they would be able to keep up with the demand. So that you do not struggle with late deliveries.
6. What is the size of my products?
This is something that we should know before looking for a courier bag supplier. The size of each product is unique and we do not want ill-fitted bags for our products. When we know the dimension or the size of our products we can buy the bag which will be perfect for all our products.
7. Who is the right courier bag manufacturer?
Without a doubt, this one factor makes all the difference. When you look for a company, make sure that they answer all your questions about the products and services. They sell high quality products which are at the right price. They should have a good reputation as well.
We are at the end of our article which is about 7 things to consider before buying a tamper proof courier bag. In this article, we have talked about what a courier bag is, its benefits and the 7 things that we must ask before we make a purchase. Along with that we talked about the manufacturer who is a courier bag wholesale service provider.
If you are looking for the right kind of courier bag supplier and manufacturer, then your search is over. At To The Packaging, we sell all kinds of packaging solutions. Our packaging products come in a wide range of high quality products at best range.
We have been present in the packaging industries for more than 2 decades. We pride ourselves with the customer centricity that is offered by us. We offer courier bags with 51 and 55 micron thickness. We sell plain courier bags and amazon courier bags as well.

To The Packaging, is a firm with more than 20 years of experience in the packaging business. We believe in creating innovative solutions for all kinds of packaging problems for big and small businesses.