Tips For Shipping Fragile Items - To The Packaging

A proper packaging of items is very important as it keeps your product safe and the shipment becomes much easier. There are different ways people prefer to do the packaging of the item so that they get their items delivered in the most decent conditions. In case of fragile items the packaging matters a lot. This is because of the chances of damage or defect on items because of external force or pressure. There are some ways through which the packaging of the fragile item can be more safe and secure.
What are Fragile items and why is it important to carefully ship them?
Fragile items are products made up of materials that are easily breakable. The items are so delicate in nature that even a slight push or pressure can affect it. Fragile items are usually beautiful looking and expensive because they are made with a lot of care. Fragile items are made up of glass, mud and thin plastic material etc. Apart from the disadvantage of being too delicate, fragile items also include easily foldable products. Some examples of such items are optical and musical instruments. The packaging of the fragile time should always be done very carefully so that the items stay safe till the time they are delivered properly to the customer. Fragile items need utmost care to maintain their beauty and make them useful.

Nowadays people order technology products digitally. These include mobiles, tablets, watches and earphones. So while ordering the product the customer wants to be sure about the safety of the item as they are fragile in nature. Scratches and broken corners might occur if the shipment is not done properly with these items. So even technology based products need proper shipping methods to avoid any risk.
Method of packaging fragile items - What should be used for packing fragile items?

Use corrugated box
A good packaging system focuses on the material of the boxes used for packaging fragile items. Some packagers ensure that no empty space is left in the box so that the item is unable to move when it is shipped. This helps in avoiding jerkings and pressure on the item. Corrugated boxes have strong edges which pushes back the force coming towards it. The items do not move much inside these boxes.
Self adhesive tapes
There are some packaging items that should be used for packing fragile goods. You should always use a self adhere tape and bubble wraps along with rigid boxes for fragile items. They not only keep the product safe but they also ensure that external force is avoided as much as possible. If you wrap your item with these then your fragile item is in safe hands. The glue of the tape is very sticky and it stays on the surface for a long period of time and it is always recommendable use fragile tape for all kind of breakable items.
Bubble wraps
When packaging an item its inner safety is equally important as the outer safety. The inner jerking of the item might damage the product directly. So in that case keeping the item at one place to avoid movement is needed. To do this it is important to wrap the item with bubble wrap before putting it inside the corrugated box. The bubbles are filled with air which bounces back and the force comes externally. If the item is too fragile then double layering is suggested.
Cellophane sheet
Cellophane sheets are used to cover items so that damages and cracks can be avoided. So when a fragile item is shipped the cellophane sheet can be used to cover the product so that the item is kept safe and away from dust. This is an effective material but it cannot be used for heavy items. So for gifting items you can first cover the item with a cellophane sheet then you can keep it in the box.
Hard cardboard
Sometimes after putting the item in the box it is still an issue of movement of items inside the box. So using attached hard cardboard inside the box for fragile items can actually help in keeping the item safe and secure.
Safety measures for fragile items- how is it effective?
Wrapping properly
The process of wrapping the item is very important because movement of fragile items inside the box may lead to defects in it. You need to ensure that you choose the right size of the box for the item you are shipping. If you take a big box for a small fragile item then there is a chance of movement of the item inside the box during shipment. This can impact the fragile item. Wrap the item properly and if needed a double layer can be used.
Sealing corners
When wrapping the item with the bubble wrap the corners of the item should be covered properly. This is because the fragile items might face damage issues in the corner first. So it is important to seal the corners completely.
Avoiding stiff packaging
One common mistake made by packers is that they pack the boxes too tightly. They think that packing tightly helps in keeping the fragile items safe. But it is actually not true because too much pressure on the fragile will increase the chances of them being broken or face damage easily. Try to wrap them in the correct sized box and keep them a little loose so that the force could not reach the item directly.
Pack in combination of shrinking wrap and boxes
External elements should be kept in mind while packaging an item. Usually packers focus on the damage free shipping only but items also get affected internally because of temperature or pressure. At the time of packaging it is important to keep in mind about the moisture and heat that could affect the item. For example if your mobile device is not packaged properly then it cannot resist water which can impact the item internally. To avoid such conditions you can use shrink wraps or plastic bags along with the boxes.
Separate shipment
Fragile items should be shipped separately and not with other non fragile items. This is another good technique of avoiding damage or defect on the product. If they are shipped separately they are safe from the heavy items which can actually break the fragile items by its force.
Using nuts
Another important thing is to wrap the item with packing nuts or bubble wrap. These help in keeping the product away from any pressure or force. The design of the bubble wrap bounces back the force when it comes towards the fragile item. This keeps your item safe for a long period of time.
Measuring the fragility
Always add an extra layer of packaging depending on the distance it is going to be travelled. For long distance shipment the item's fragility should be measured properly. This is because the more product travels the more it gets affected and the chances of damage increases. So the fragility should be checked and the packaging should be done accordingly.
The bottom line
Fragile items are delicate items which need utmost care because they are easily breakable. There are packaging methods that should be followed for a safe packaging of the item. Whenever you pack the item you need to ensure that it is wrapped properly and a good material box is used for the item. This makes the shipment process smooth. You can always set the item properly in the box to avoid any type of damage issues. Too much handling of items should also be avoided. Fragile items are safe when there is an efficient shipment process.

To The Packaging, is a firm with more than 20 years of experience in the packaging business. We believe in creating innovative solutions for all kinds of packaging problems for big and small businesses.